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Сценарий урока английского языка 2013
Before Santa Claus comes.

Teacher: Right. Today we`ll speak about Christmas in England, its symbols and traditions. But be very attentive, please. At the end of our party we`ll have a Quiz about Christmas. Look at these words. Can you explain them?

Pupil 3: The 25th of December, Christmas Tree, greeting cards, presents, Father Christmas, stockings.

Pupil 4: English and American people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. They buy a Christmas Tree, send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. At night Farther Christmas comes. He puts the presents for children in their stockings and under the tree.

Teacher: And now children let` s sing a song " We wish you a Merry Christmas”

Teacher: But why do people celebrate Christmas?

Pupil 5: People celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Teacher: Right.

Pupil 6:

Ангел мирный, дух небесный
Светлых радостных лучей
Нынче Ангел нам спустился
И пропел : «Христос родился»
Мы пришли Христа прославить
И вас с праздником поздравить!
Teacher : Mary and Joseph were Christ` s parents. They went to Bethlehem the town of David. Their way was dangerous and very long. It was getting darker and darker. They didn`t where to go. A lot of bright stars appeared in the sky. Suddenly Mary saw a cave. " Let`s have a sleep in this place”, she said to her husband.

Teacher: At last they found a place where Mary gave a birth to her child. He was a boy. A lot of people came to see him. They brought many presents for him.

Pupil 7: A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. The star showed the way to the place of his birth.


Есть страны, где люди от века не знают
Ни вьюг, ни сыпучих снегов,
Там только нетающим снегом сверкают
Вершины гранитных хребтов
Цветы там душистые, звёзды крупнее
Светлей и нарядней весна
И ярче там перья у птиц, и теплее
Там дышит морская волна
В такой-то стране, ароматною ночью
При шепоте лавров и роз
Свершилось желанное чудо воочью
Родился младенец – Христос!

Pupil 8:

Every year at Christmas time
We can hear the church bells chime
They rang out on Christmas night
For that` s the day when Jesus was born

Teacher: Do you know what Christmas symbols are?

Pupil 9: Santa Claus (слайд) The origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicolas. He was a very kind man and he loved children very much. He was their patron.

Teacher: A fir-tree is the sign of everlasting life because its leaves are always green. An evergreen tree shows us God` s everlasting love.

Pupil 12:

On Christmas Day
We ` ll have a tree
And it will snow
For you and me.

Pupil 13: Every year there is a very big Christmas Tree in the centre of London in Trafalgar Square. In the evening before Christmas people like to come to Trafalgar Square to look at the tree. On Christmas Eve the streets in London are decorated too.

Teacher : Christmas Wreaths. It is usually hung on the door of a house. Many centuries ago the wreaths were presented as gifts on Christmas.

Pupil 17: Christmas Stocking. According to legend, one kind man had 3 daughters. His wife died. The daughters wanted to get presents on Christmas but their father didn` t have money. The kind St. Nicolas heard the girl` s plight and at night he threw 3 gold coins down the chimney where they fell into the stockings the girls had hung by the fireplace to dry.

Teacher: Now we ` ll have a Quiz.
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